Soft Robotic Glove can Assist Activities of Daily Living

This study evaluates a novel textile soft robotic glove, integrating performance-enhancing elastic band actuators. Our findings reveal consistent grasp assistance, up to 33 Newtons, and significant improvements in grasp force validated using Linear Mixed-Effects Models.

Soft Robotic Glove can Assist Activities of Daily Living

We have previously characterized our novel soft robotic fabric actuators and found them to be highly efficient. To the best of our knowledge, the elastic band integrated ruffles actuators are currently the most effective fabric actuators in terms of blocking force output in the literature. In the video, you can observe the soft robotic glove with these actuators lifting a 6 kg luggage without any assistance from a hand. This is a significant achievement, especially considering the typical limitations of soft robotic actuators. 

Evaluating Grasp Assistance with a User Study

Using EMG sensors, we monitored the muscle activity of the fingers while participants grasped objects. We asked our 20 participants to power grasp a force sensor-integrated object to measure muscle activation during the task. Participants applied forces of 20, 30, ..., up to 80 Newtons to the object, both with and without the assistance of the soft robotic glove. By comparing muscle activity during assisted and unassisted tasks, we observed a significant reduction in muscle activation due to the glove's assistance. We validated our results using Linear Mixed Effects Models, confirming that our findings are statistically significant. 

For more information please check the journal paper below.